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golden deer-narative text-contoh soal bahasa inggris

Berikut adalah soal soal bahasa inggris beserta jawaban untuk kelas VIII  

                                                             Golden deer
    Once upon a time there were three bears, a big father bear,a middle sized mother bear, and a little one baby bear.they lived in a hut near the wood.
    One morning they made porridge for breakfast.but their porridge was too hot.and the bears couldn’t eat they went to for a walk in the forest while the porridge was cooling.
     Just the a little golde deer went in to the bears hut.she saw the delicious porridge on the table.sha was hungry,she ate the porridge all up.nothing left.then si sat on the little bears chair but it broke into a  hundred she sat on the chair of mother bear for a momentthe she fell a sleep.
  When the bears came home to have breakfast the baby bear said “someone has eaten my porridge,someone has broken my chair.someone has been sleeping on my mother’s chair.who is she?’’
      The loud voice of the little bear woke up golden deer.she jumped out of the chair and ran down stairs and out of the front door as fast as she could.and golden deer never went back to the bear’s hut again.she was very afraid.she left careless.
1.what is the genre of the text ?
(legend book)
2.where did the three bears live?
( inahut near the wood) the golden deer careless?
(yes,it is) do you know that is a fiction story ?
(because it is narrative text)
5.why was the little bear angry?
Because someone has eaten her porridge,has broken her chair,has been sleeping on her mother’s chair)



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