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following expressions

Halow guys !
Kali ini gue mau bahas mata pelajaran bahasa inggris nih..
Temanya adalah..jreng jrengg.. “STUDY THE FOLLOWING  EXPRESSIONS” beserta contohnya
Okeh ! cus langsung ajah ..

1.    Expressing surprise                                     
·        No, I dont believe it.
·        Are you serious?
·        Are you joking?
·        Are you kidding?
·        You must be joking
·        Wow!
·        Oh,no! that’s not true .
·        Really?
·        It’s surprising  that….
·        What a surprise.
·        This is really a surprise!
·        Incredible.
 Example :
Santi : could you tell me how big a blue whale is ? well, let me tell you. The blue whale is the largest animal ever               known. It exceeds elephants and dinosaurs in size. A blue whale can weight up to 115 tons.
Santi :wow ! thant’s an amazing fact.

2.    Expressing pleasure/pleased
·        I’m very pleased with this room .
·        I’m very delighted.
·        Oh, how marvelous !
·        Oh, it’s wonderful !
·         It’s good news.
·        It gives me great pleasure
·        I can’t say how pleased I am
·        Great !
·        Smashing !
·        Terrific !
·        Fantastic !
·        Super !
·        I’m glad you like it
·        This is great, isn’t it ?
·        I can’t say how delighted  I am.
Example :
Joni : do you like our new captain ?
Rio : oh yes! I’m very pleased with him.

3.    Expressing scared :
·        I’m scared.
·        You scare me .
·        It’s frightening.
·        It’s horrible
·        The sight terrified me so much.
·        I can’t forget that terrible experience.
·        The fear is creeping into my heart.
Example :
Mr.john : OMG ! , I thing something wrong has happened to this plane ?
Flight attendant : no, don’t worry. it usual . the plane is about to take off.
Jony : are you still afraid now ?
Gilang : yes, I’m. look ! the water Is getting into our cabin.
Jony : don’t be afraid. We will be ok.
Johan : I’m so scared of the wolf,dad.
Mia : don’t be scared. The wolf is outside of the house.

4.    Expressing opinions

Expressing opinions :
·        In my opinions..
·        I personally believe..
·        I personally think..
·        I personally feel…
·        Not everyone will agre with me , but…
·        To my mind..
·        From my point of view..
·        As I see it..
·        I think..
·        I believe…
·        I feel..
·        I’m certain/sure/positive/convinced..
·        I agree..
·        I disagree..
·        It seems that..
·        Well, personally..
·        If I had my way, iwould..
·        What I’m more concerned with is..
·        In my case..
·        Absolutely.

Asking other people’s opinions  :
·        What do you think of..
·        Is that right(true) that..
·        Do you think it’s going..
·        Why do they behave like that ..
·        Do you have any idea?
·        How do you like ?
·        Please give me you frank opinion.
·        What’s your opinion ?

5.    Expressing agreement and disagreement
  Saying that you agree:
·        Yes, I agree with you.
·        I’m sure you’re right .
·        That’s right.
·        I think so too.
·        I absolutely agree.
·        That’s exactly what I think.
·        Yes, I suppose so.
·        I don’t have any objections.

Saying that you don’t agree :
·        We will never agree.
·        Not at all/not really.
·        I disagree.
·        I think that’s nonsense.

Saying that’s you don’t agree politely :
·        I see your point,but..
·        Yes,maybe,but..
·        I don’t entirely agree with..
·        You may be right,but..
·        Do you think so ?
·        I see what you mean,but..
·        To some extent,yes,but…
·        I don’t think so.
·        I don’t agree with you.
·        I’m not sure I agree with you .
·        I don’t like the idea.

6.    Expressing satisfaction and dissatisfaction
Expressing satisfaction :
·        I really like ..
·        I’m completely satisfied with everything you’ve done for me.
·        It was satisfactory.
·        Everything is fine, thank you.
·        Everything was just perfect.
·        I’m happy enough with it.
·        It was okay. Not too bad.
·        Good enough.

Expressing dissatisfaction :
·        I am a little dissatisfied with the service here.
·        I am a bit disappointed with the program.
·        The food was lousy.
·        I’m tired of working here.
·        I don’t like the colour.
·        I have a complaint.
·        I am very dissatisfied with the condition.
·        I want to make a complaint.

Asking about satisfaction/dissatisfaction :
·        How do you like your room ?
·        Is everything ok ?
·        Is everything satisfactory?
·        Do you want to complain about something ?
·        Did you find our service satisfactory ?
·        Are you satisfied?
·        Was something not to your satisfaction ?
·        Are you dissatisfied with something ?

Responding to dissatisfaction :
·        I see..
·        I’m sorry to hear that.
·        I’ll look into it.
·        I’ll see what can I do about it.
·        I’ll try and take care of it.

7.    Expressing love
·        I love you
·        I love you too
·        I really love you and I always will.
·        I truly love you endlessly
·        There’s nothing that compares with my love for you
·        Words fail to convey how much I love you
·        My love will never cease till the end of time .
·        I’llnever stop loving you.
Example :
Cacha : oh, my dearest antony. How could you marry such a woman like Octavia. You said you love me .oh,how dare you ! how deep is your love for me?
Antony : my sweetest queen, there’s a beggary in the love that can be reckoned.

8.    Expressing sorrow and attention

Expressing sorrow :
·        She was overwhelmed by her sorrow .
·        My heart is so burdened.
·        I can’t tell my pain and sorrow in words.
·        It brought me a lot of misery .
·        I’m so sad to hear it.
·        I regret having to do this.
·        I’m feeling bad at this time.
       Expressing attention :
·        Oh, really ?
·        It’s amazing
·        Is he ?( was he? Did he ?, etc )
·        Oh poor creature !
·        What a poor girl she is !
·        Why not ?
·        What about her step-mother ?
·        How lucky he is .
·        Well, go on.
·        what happened then.
Example :
“ come thou mortal wretch with thy sharp teeth this knot in frigate of life at once untie “
(  antony and cacha, act VI,scene 2 )
9.    expressing embarrassment and anger
        expressing embarrassment :
·        it really makes me ashamed.
·        I was so ashamed.
·        I was very embrassed.
·        How embarrassing.
·        Tell me it never happened
·        Tell me it didn’t happen.
·        I was so embarrassed.
      Expressing anger :
·        Well, I’ve never been so insulted in my life.
·        Who are you to say such a thing to me ?
·        Aren’t you the pot calling the kettle black ?
·        What do you mean  I did a terrible job ?
·        Are you trying to tell me I’m not good enough for you ?
·        Oh, hell !
·        You turkey !
·        You’re getting me angry.
·        I’m starting to get angry ..1..2..3..
·        Are you trying to make me angry?
·        You burn me up.

             Asking if someone is angry:
·        What’s the matter ?
·        What happened ?
·        What do you look so insulted about ?
·        Why are you acting so insulted ?
·        Did I insult you ?
·        Are you angry about something ?
·        Are you angry with me ?
·        What are you so angry about ?

Calming someone down :
·        Relax
·        Take it slow
·        Take it easy.
·        Calm down
·        Control your self.
·        Don’t be such a worrywart.
·        Don’t trouble your self.
·        Don’t let it brother you.
·        Maybe you are a little to sensitive about .
·        Don’t be so touchy.
·        Don’t be angry with me.
·        Temper,temper.
·        Let’s try to hold our temper.
·        Don’t get hot under the collar.
·        Getting angry won’t help.

10.                       expressing attitudes
     Expressing justification :
·        That’s why ..
·        Besides..
·        Because..
·        What I mean is..
·        You see..
·        To be honest..
·        The reason why ..
·        What I’m saying is..
·        So..
  Expressing thinking expressions :
·        Now,let me think..
·        It’s difficult to say exactly,but..
·        That’s an interesting question..
·        I’ll have to think about that .
·        The best way I can answer this is ..
·        Let me see..
Expressing speculation :
·        Maybe..
·        I guess..
·        I suppose..
·        Perhaps..
·        It’s quite possible that..

11.                       Expressing annoyance

Expressing annoyance :
·        I need a break .
·        I’m losing my mind.
·        I’m a bundle of nerves.
·        I can’t take it anymore.
·        Gosh..what is this ?
·        I’m so scared.
·        I was terrified.
·        You frightened me.
·        I’m frightened.
·        Oh, no !
·        Oh dear !
·        What a nuisance.
·        How irritating.
·        I’m very annoyed.
·        It really makes me angry.
·        It annoys me.
·        It irritates me.
·        I really hate…
·        What an idiot.
·        I’m fed up with..

12.                       Expressing sympathy
·        I am sorry to hear that ( untuk merespon kesedihan )
·        That is a pity (untuk merespon kekecewaan )
·        How awful for you ( untuk merespon kekecewaan )
·        I know how it feels (untuk merespon ikut merasakan )
·        I do sympathize (untuk merespon kesedihan )

Example :
Umi : my grandmother was hospitalized yesterdayL .
Ilham : I am sorry to hear that L.

Luhan :my team didn’t win the game L

Umi : how awful for you L J


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